Old TT Comment: 2003-01-25 01:12:58

There's an article in today's Blade that updates what the Metroparks did and did not do to obtain this land.

Larry Sykes, president of the board governing the Toledo Area Metroparks, yesterday backed off his claim that the Boy Scouts of America never told him a private firm bid $4.4 million for 52 acres in Sylvania Township.

In addition to concerns about matching an offer without a written bid, the Metroparks board was reluctant to pay more than $3.7 million, Mr. Sykes said. The board thought it might be able to buy more land for the same price in a different location.

Sounds like the Metroparks are making excuses. Shame on them for not doing more. And I still say shame on the Scouts for not making sure the land was preserved.

created Jan 25, 2003 01:12:58