test post 01may2017 1740

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Tantek Çelik

🌞 nice outside. Last day for #NPSF #NP_IND plank challenge, @Strava climbing challenge. Time to run & plank hills! tantek.com
7:29 pm

@ChrisAldrich Thank you! It was harder than I expected, and a good personal development challenge. Now considering renewing for another 100 days, or perhaps just continuing to do it by default (not part of a project) and picking a different #100dayproject. 100 Days of IndieWeb still seems intimidating (despite my contributing almost daily to IndieWeb), so I may pick one of these: https://indieweb.org/100DaysOfIndieWeb#More_100_days_projects tantek.com
7:01 pm

likes Chris Aldrich’s reply
6:42 pm

💕 appeared on Haight this morning. Thank you whoever did this. #100DoPP d100 #Haight #HaightAshbury #heart #hearts #tears #nofilter tantek.com
2017-04-29 1:22 pm


100DoPP d100 💕 appeared on Haight this morn. No idea I needed this. Thank you whoever did it. #Haight #HaightAshbury #heart #hearts #tears #nofilter tantek.com

2017-04-29 1:21 pm

Yesterday #100DoPP d99 108/200hrs YTT done. Practiced intro with aspect of yoga philosophy. Led an om. Broke something tantek.com
2017-04-29 1:15 pm

Thursday #100DoPP d98 105/200 hours YTT done. Observed assists in public class, practiced on each other in real time. tantek.com
2017-04-29 1:11 pm

Wednesday #100DoPP d97: Setup #microblog @t Great #microformats & #indieweb support! rel=me h-feed Micropub WebSub, etc. Micro.blog is using Micropub as their standard modern posting API: * http://help.micro.blog/2017/api-posting/ For publishing, in addition to RSS & JSON, micro.blog publishes rich structured feeds with microformats2! * http://help.micro.blog/2017/api-feeds/ As well as subscribes to your own personal site feed(s) using WebSub! (which I’m doing with micro.blog/t) Last but not least, instead of proprietary "verified" mechanisms, micro.blog is exclusively using the very well established rel=me microformat for website verification: * http://help.micro.blog/2017/web-site-verification/ micro.blog, at early rollout time to Kickstarter backers, is already one of the most (if not the most) indieweb friendly services out there. Well done Manton! tantek.com
2017-04-29 12:58 pm

Wednesday #100DoPP d97: Setup micro.blog/t Great #microformats & #indieweb support! rel=me h-feed Micropub WebSub etc. tantek.com
2017-04-29 12:46 pm

Tuesday #100DoPP d96 Took transit routes I’d never taken before, through long tunnels, from work to Yoga Flow on Ocean tantek.com
2017-04-29 12:37 pm

Monday #100DoPP d95 Caught up with a friend who I had not heard from in weeks. Glad to hear she was ok, made new plans tantek.com
2017-04-29 12:31 pm

Setting up tantek.micro.blog. You can usually find me at tantek.com and frequently on https://indieweb.org/ especially in https://chat.indieweb.org/

2017-04-26 2:49 pm


100DoPP d94: ran Stow Lake Stampede 5k in 31:15. 1st 📷 @hollyr2188. brunch, 8mi+ run to Ocean Beach & back, plankbreaks every mile and a couple of snack breaks in the park. Previously: tantek.com/2016/329/t1/ran-spartan-turkey-trot #stowlakestampede #stowlakestampede5k #goldengatepark #race #raceeverything #npsf #novemberproject #sf #run #runner #runners #sunday #sundayrunday #sundayfunday #seenonmyrun #anythingispossible tantek.com

2017-04-24 4:13 am


100DoPP d93: 102/200 hours YTT completed. More than half! Feeling both physical & mental changes. tantek.com

2017-04-23 5:39 am

Thru SFO CBP with normal questions*. On BART. What’s this about a #poweroutage? #sfpoweroutage? *Told CBP: Traveling alone. Gone since Monday. Business meetings. I work for @Mozilla. Meetings went very well. No food, just candy. No alcohol. Spoke warmly & politely with a smile, was treated warmly & politely with a smile, and welcomed home. tantek.com
2017-04-21 2:27 pm


100DoPP d92: Landed at SFO. Waiting on tarmac for gate to open, then once again thru CBP. Sunny & beautiful outside. tantek.com

2017-04-21 1:12 pm

🌼🌸🌺 flowers in Shiba Park. #latergram #nofilter #seenonmyrun #spring #flower #flowers #Shiba #park #Tokyo #Japan tantek.com
2017-04-20 5:06 am

🌳🗼 Morning run in Tokyo with Seattle & UK friends @cssrossen @rachelandrew. #100DoPP d91 #getoutside #NP_TSA #nofilter #seenonmyrun #run #runner #runners #Shiba #park #Skytree #Tokyo #Japan #selfie tantek.com
2017-04-20 4:46 am

🌳🗼 Morning run in Tokyo with Seattle & UK friends @cssrossen @rachelandrew. #100DoPP d91 #getoutside #NP_TSA #nofilter #seenonmyrun #run #runner #runners #Shiba #park #Skytree #Tokyo #Japan #selfie tantek.com
2017-04-20 4:46 am


100DoPP d90: Intense and productive @CSSWG meeting day 1. Coffee beat jetlag, stayed awake all day. tantek.com

2017-04-20 2:59 am


100DoPP d90: Intense and productive @CSSWG meeting day 1. Coffee beat jetlag, stayed awake all day. tantek.com

2017-04-20 2:59 am


100DoPP d89: Cherry blossoms, Tokyo style, backed by a skyscraper under construction. Photo taken Tuesday, Japan time. #cherryblossoms #flowers #spring #skyscraper #building #underconstruction #Tamachi #Tokyo #Japan #lookup #latergram #nofilter tantek.com

2017-04-19 2:39 am


100DoPP d89: Cherry blossoms, Tokyo style, backed by a skyscraper under construction. Photo taken Tuesday, Japan time. #cherryblossoms #flowers #spring #skyscraper #building #underconstruction #Tamachi #Tokyo #Japan #lookup #latergram #nofilter tantek.com

2017-04-19 2:39 am