test post 21jun2017 1547
i'm testing my micropub create endpoint at wren.soupmode.com by creating this post from someone else's micropub client that is found at micropublish.net.
i logged in via indieauth. my micropub code verifies that the access token is valid before creating the post. no preview with this setup.
hey the above post worked. i created it from another website. i only had to fix two errors. i misspelled the variable name original_markup, and i didn't need the submit_type variable.
i copied the create code from the Create.pm module, but i removed code lines that didn't apply, since this micropub create has no preview option.
i violated the dry principle. maybe later i will refactor to make it possible to have the code in one spot. but for now, the create code for micropub and my normal wren api are very similar.
also at the moment, i won't make my tanager javascript editor become a micropub client. i let tanager continue to support the default wren authorization and api methods.
maybe in the future i'll change tanager to become a micropub client. tanager would need to have the indieauth code from the wren server code. and then tanager would need to obtain the access_token from the token server. then each time tanager would submit info to the server, it would include the access_token.
at least tanager could support preview, maybe. it's probably pointless to change tanager to become a micropub client.