Test Post via Email 4Jul2017 2249Z
I'm using a Quill-supplied email address for my wren.soupmode.com
IndieAuth login at Quill.
Quill provides an option to post by email.
I'm typing plain text with Markdown in this email.
I'm leaving the subject line blank. From Quill:
If you add a subject line to your email, it will be sent as the "name" property which indicates to your Micropub endpoint that this is a blog post.
Name equals the title for the post. Of course, I include my article
titles within the main body of the post. I see no need to split out the
title with more form junk.
More from Quill:
The text of your email or MMS will be send as the "content" property, which is the main contents of your post. Plaintext only for now.
I wonder if Markdown's less-than and greater-than markup symbols will
make it through. The chars could converted to HTML entities. If so, then
I'll try Textile markup in a post-by-email.
Let's try bullet points:
- bp one
- bp two
- bp three
This is bolded text.
That's enough for now.
This is also available in Quill:
If you attach a photo to your email or MMS, it will be sent to your Micropub endpoint. (Only one photo is currently supported.)
Whoa. It worked. All the formatting came through. That's excellent.