Test post with in-page anchors

linking within the same page. for many years, i guess, i've been using a deprecated method to link within the same page, such as for a table of contents for the page.

i only figured this out on mar 3, 2017. jeesh. i tested a page here with this https://validator.w3.org

i've been doing it like this:

<a name="webmentions-selfhosted"></a>
<h3>WebMentions Self-Hosted</h3>

this is how it should be done, which i like better than the above old way:

the link somewhere within the page:

<a href="#update-a-post">update a post</a>

and the location where the user jumps to after clicking the above link within the same page:

<h3><a id="update-a-post"></a>Update a Post</h3>

i made one easy change to my Wren code at lib/API/Format.pm.

i don't know if i will change all of my other web publishing apps. it's quick fix, therefore i should make the change and the repo commits.

heading 3 via markdown and wren

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i added the toc command to this page.