test post without using the pound sign at the start to indicate a title.

test post without using the pound sign at the start to indicate a title. this will be a note post except wren does not support articles and notes directly the way that junco, grebe, scaup, and veery do. but my code or module that processes the title or start of a post exists, relatively unchanged. it provides info about what kind of post it is to the rest of my code. i think that i made a small change since wren does not support textile. when previewing this block of unformatted text, wren uses the first X-number of characters as the title. unfortunately, it splits the title in the middle of a word. it's not like grebe or the others where the entire post is displayed as the same block text, as written. wren creates a title (heading one) even if a title was not specifically mentioned. to get around this, the return key would need to be it at least once. the title is created from the chars up to the first return key or up to the first X-number of chars (70-something, i think). i decided to hit the return key at the end of the first sentence, which is, apparently, shorter than the char-limit for a title. --- updated text here. i just noticed that the text up to the return key is used as the title but that same text is repeated with the rest of the text. interesting. does it really matter? how hard it is to create a simple title? blog and microblog posts or articles and notes are viewed differently in the indieweb, and i have also viewed them differently within my web publishing apps, but why? it seems like complicating things. create a simple title even if it's only the date and time. the reason for the diffs, in my opinion, is that maybe the author wants to display notes and articles in separate streams. scaup, veery, and junco display articles and notes mixed together, sorted by created/updated date in the main stream view. commands exist, i think or they can be added, to create separate streams. i have grebe configured to display articles on the homepage stream and notes are not displayed on the homepage. notes have their own stream view. sometimes, i accumulate info in notes that might be used to create an article. but grebe and maybe my other web publishing apps, support draft mode for articles, which hides the articles from the homepage. wren works differently in that no stream views are created automatically by the app. even the homepage has to be manually created. every article is hidden. only the mft.html and rss.xml show the most recent posts, sorted by created date. links.json and sitemap.xml contain links to every wren post created.