Test Textile Post 24Apr2017

i'm adding textile support because at times, i get irritated by either the limitations of markdown or the implementation of perl's version of markdown.

either way, i don't have these frustrations with textile, and i've been writing in textile, since 2005.

geeks chose wrong. textile is better than markdown/multimarkdown. i still like markdown, and at times, textile annoys me too.

that's probably why a github-flavored version of markdown will probably become the main standard even though a markdown standard called commonmark is being developed.

blockquote test

asdfasldf jl jlasjdf jlj asdf

asdjf lajsdlfkjla skdjf laksdf

jla sdjflasjdf

bullet point test

numbered list

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
block code 





no more block code