test woodwind reply post 21jun2017
let's see if this wacky thing works.
i got the woodwind.xyz feed reader to connect to my wren.soupmode.com site for micropub, meaning that woodwind provides a reply mechanism within each post that appears in the feed.
a small text area box is available.
in theory, this post that i'm creating with the woodwind.xyz feed reader web app will get posted to wren.soupmode.com.
it's up to my wren.soupmode.com code to send the webmention to boghop.
i'm guessing that woodwind sends the reply_to query string param, but i handle webmentions in my own way.
i'm replying to this boghop post
but i need to add my wren reply_to command to tell my wren code to send a webmention.
I clicked the reply arrow button within woodwind.xyz feed reader web app, and it responded under the text area box with "Posting ..." followed by "Success."
At least that meant that it was posted to my wren.soupmode.com website, and it was, since this is the post that i'm now updating.
And then i checked my wall of webmention reply posts at boghop, and the reply got posted. !!!
my wren code sent the webmention and boghop received it.
right now wren supports automatically sending a webmention to one site and not to every website mentioned in a post. i may change this later by surrounding the links with microformats, and those links or sites will the ones that get sent the webmention.
i tell wren to send a webmention by using this command:
<!-- reply_to : http://boghop.com/2017/06/21/dave-winers-june-2017-comments-about-the-indieweb.html -->
I can keep that command when I want to send a webmention from wren's default editing modes.
But when using a micropub client to create a "reply" post, the client sends to my server a reply_to param that contains the url of the post being replied to.
i can attach the above command to the markup. the command can appear anywhere after the title. this way, i won't need to add the wren reply_to command myself. i'll let the wren server code pull the info from the reply_to param sent by the micropub client. less typing and cutting and pasting.
this is fascinating.
screenshot of my type response, contained within the woodwind feed reader.