Wren Using S3

Wren supports copying created and updated posts to an Amazon Web Services S3 bucket. It's also possible to work with an S3 bucket from the command line of a remote computer, using a program called s3cmd.



linuxconfig.org - Getting started with AWS s3cmd command by examples

Download, install, and config, providing the AWS access id and secret pass id.


Copy all files and directories to a bucket.

First, change directory into the Wren root directory, and then do:

s3cmd sync . s3://mybucketname/

Copy file to bucket

This example copies a file that's located in a folder.

Change directory into web root.

s3cmd put 2016/11/03/this-is-a-test.html s3://mybucketname/2016/11/03/this-is-a-test.html

Need to include the folder structure for the destination location (in the bucket), otherwise, this-is-a-test.html will land in the root of the bucket like this: s3://mybucketname/this-is-a-test.html

List all contents for an S3 account

This will list all available data ( objects ) under an AWS S3 account, including buckets, directories, and files:

s3cmd la

List all contents for a bucket

This will list files and directories.

s3cmd ls -r  s3://mybucketname/

Delete files and directories under a folder

s3cmd del s3://mybucketname/versions/ --recursive

Delete an empty directory

s3cmd del s3://mybucketname/versions

Empty Entire Bucket

This will remove all files and directories within a bucket.

s3cmd del -r --force s3://mybucketname/

Redo the bucket's contents

I don't need the versions folder and all of its contents located on the bucket. versions exists on the EC2 server. It's used by the Wren app.

s3cmd del -r --force s3://mybucketname/
s3cmd sync . s3://mybucketname/  
s3cmd del s3://mybucketname/versions/ --recursive


Perl Installs for S3 Usage.

stackoverflow.com - XML::Parser refusing to isntall

apt-cache search expat

(look for package that states "XML parsing C library - development kit")

sudo apt-get install libexpat1-dev

that should resolve the missing expat.h file, and now the install of this module should work:

sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install XML::Parser'

then do:

sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install XML::Simple'
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Amazon::S3'

How to use this module:



Wren S3.pm

package S3;

use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;

use Amazon::S3;


sub copy_to_s3 {
    my $filename = shift;
    my $content  = shift;
    my $type     = shift;

    my $aws_access_key_id     = Config::get_value_for("aws_access_key_id");
    my $aws_secret_access_key = Config::get_value_for("aws_secret_access_key");

    my $conn = Amazon::S3->new(
        {   aws_access_key_id     => $aws_access_key_id,
            aws_secret_access_key => $aws_secret_access_key,
            retry                 => 1

    my @buckets = @{$conn->buckets->{buckets} || []};

    my $bucket = $buckets[0];

            $filename, $content,
            { content_type =>  $type },



# at the moment, assuming only one bucket exists, and it's used to host files from wren.
# if more than one bucket, then a loop would be needed to find which bucket to use.
#foreach my $bucket (@buckets) {
#        print $bucket->bucket . "\t" . $bucket->creation_date . "\n";
#        my @keys = @{$bucket->list_all->{keys} || []};
#            foreach my $key (@keys) {
#            print "$key->{key}\t$key->{size}\t$key->{last_modified}\n";
#        }

updated Sep 18, 2017
